Fujian China

granite head

granite boulder, nan pu tuo si, xiamen

inscription, nan pu tuo si, xiamen

granite stairway thru boulders, nan pu tuo si, xiamen

stairs carved from living rock, nan pu tuo si, xiamen

granite boullders and stairs

porcelain figurines, nan pu tuo si, xiamen

antique granite sculptures

golden granite quarry

golden granite quarry

golden granite quarry

fish market


rice wine vessels

temple approach


inside temple complex

granite wall with inscription

water tower with granite base


entrance luo yang bridge

entrance luo yang bridge

cyclist on luo yang bridge

woman walking along luo yang bridge

boat formed foundations, luo yang bridge

luo yang bridge

luo yang bridge

luo yang bridge

luo yang bridge

luo yang bridge

luo yang bridge

luo yang bridge

luo yang bridge

view from luo yang bridge

monument on luo yang bridge

view from luo yang bridge

luo yang bridge

inscription on boulder, luo yang bridge

inscriptions on boulders, luo yang bridge

granite steps and wall, luo yang bridge

granite forms along luo yang bridge

granite sculpture element, luo yang bridge

granite sculpture adjacent to luo yang bridge

gate house on other side of an ping bridge

gate to an ping bridge

view of an ping bridge

an ping bridge

an ping bridge

view of an ping bridge

an ping bridge

an ping bridge

an ping bridge

an ping bridge

along an ping bridge

gate house to an ping bridge

xiangshi black granite block

retired stonecutter carving wedge splitting holes

bicycle and window

hat on door

tulou rammed earth structure

tulou rammed earth structure

tulou rammed earth structure

bamboo scaffolding

granite fortification, chong wu

granite fortification, chong wu

granite fortification, chong wu

vernacular roof forms

a traditional fujianese building

granite buddhist sculpture

granite buddhist sculpture

granite buddhist sculpture

footstep of buddha carved in granite

fishing boats, fujian